Monday, August 22, 2011

Haskell Buzzing in my Ear

Unfortunately GHC will not have Type Directed Name Resolution (TDNR) for the foreseeable future. TDNR allows you to distinguish similarly named variables based on some portion of their types.

The reason TDNR is unlikely to appear in Haskell is that it is hard to show why you need it. This is because you never actually need it. Any time you run into a problem with naming conflicts, you can always rename them. And if you complain, someone is sure to show you how they would have named their variables differently and there really is no problem.

When you need TDNR is at that moment when you hit a name conflict, and you have to interrupt your thought process to go mangle some names. And you can't show that moment to people. It's like going to StackOverflow with "I'm having trouble writing this function because there's a fly buzzing in my ear" and someone responds "Just write this this and this what's your problem?". But the problem isn't the code -- the problem is the fly buzzing in your ear.

You don't need TDNR to make your code work, you need TDNR to make you work, to save you from being interrupted by random unrelated declarations. To keep your thoughts on the puzzle at hand. Haskell takes a lot of thinking. It's that kind of language.

I've often heard it said that Haskell doesn't need TDNR because it has typeclasses. But typeclasses say the wrong thing -- semantically, they just mean something different. A typeclass says "Here are some operations on a similar pattern that can be specialized in various different ways.". TDNR says "Here are some unrelated functions that, because we are using English, just happen to have the same name." Typeclasses are about how things are similar, TDNR is about how if you're using one you just don't care about the other.

Because that's just how language works -- names take on their meaning based on the context. You couldn't have a conversation if this were not the case. Context encompasses a lot of things -- it happens that types provide a lot of context. But types aren't the only way -- I'd be happy to see Haskell add any kind of context to name resolution. (Well it has two -- modules and local scope. But these aren't enough. Haskell functions are "tiny" and you tend to have a lot at global scope).

I know of no language that fuels name collisions like Haskell. Every other language I can think of has at least one thing Haskell doesn't that helps prevent conflicts. Even OCaml lets you "open" a module locally. In any Haskell program sufficiently large, the name conflicts start building up, and you start adding more qualifying information to your function names. From the programmer's perspective that's just as bad as adding an explicit type annotation every time you call the function. Type inference makes Haskell terser but name collisions blow it back up again.

Of course, if I really wanted to be constructive, I'd learn to hack GHC and add this feature myself. You can get so close with typeclasses that I don't think it would be too hard to add -- but I've never touched the GHC source code. Some day...

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