Agda would not be useful if it had to reinvent all of its wheels. Luckily it is faily easy to use Haskell from Agda.
wordcount.agda 1 module wordcount where 2 3 import Foreign.Haskell as Hask 4 open import IO.Primitive renaming (putStrLn to putStrLnCo) 5 open import Data.List 6 open import Data.String 7 open import Function using (_∘_) 8 9 -- Data.Nat is unary. This is terribly inefficient. Ideally 10 -- we would use Haskell numbers, but that is not convenient. 11 open import Data.Nat 12 13 -- Data.Nat.Show was written before Agda had typeclass support. 14 open import Data.Nat.Show renaming (show to showNat) 15 open import Data.Char 16 17 putStrLn = putStrLnCo ∘ toCostring 18 19 infixl 1 _>>_ 20 postulate 21 _>>_ : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} → IO A → (IO B) → IO B 22 {-# COMPILED _>>_ (\_ _ _ _ -> (>>)) #-} 23 24 module CmdlineArgs where 25 {-# IMPORT System #-} 26 postulate sysArgs : IO (List String) 27 {-# COMPILED sysArgs (System.getArgs) #-} 28 29 module FileIO where 30 {-# IMPORT System.IO #-} 31 postulate Handle : Set 32 {-# COMPILED_TYPE Handle System.IO.Handle #-} 33 postulate hGetLine : Handle -> IO String 34 {-# COMPILED hGetLine (System.IO.hGetLine) #-} 35 postulate hGetContents : Handle -> IO String 36 {-# COMPILED hGetContents (System.IO.hGetContents) #-} 37 postulate IOMode : Set 38 {-# COMPILED_TYPE IOMode System.IO.IOMode #-} 39 postulate ReadMode : IOMode 40 {-# COMPILED ReadMode (System.IO.ReadMode) #-} 41 -- This won't work if it's not universe-polymorphic. I Don't know why. 42 postulate withFile : ∀ {u} {A : Set u} -> String -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO A) -> IO A 43 {-# COMPILED withFile (\_ _ -> System.IO.withFile) #-} 44 45 open CmdlineArgs 46 open FileIO 47 48 wordsInString : String -> ℕ 49 wordsInString s = ws1 (toList s) where 50 mutual 51 ws1 : List Char -> ℕ 52 ws1 [] = 0 53 ws1 (' ' ∷ rest) = ws1 rest 54 ws1 (c ∷ cs) = suc (ws2 cs) 55 56 ws2 : List Char -> ℕ 57 ws2 [] = 0 58 ws2 (' ' ∷ rest) = ws1 rest 59 ws2 (c ∷ cs) = ws2 cs 60 61 -- Agda does not have case expressions, so we use a local 62 -- function to pattern match. 63 main : IO Hask.Unit 64 main = sysArgs >>= doArgs where 65 -- Agda's type inference is not as good as Haskell's; 66 -- We have to specify some amount of signature. 67 doArgs : _ -> _ 68 doArgs (path ∷ []) = 69 withFile path ReadMode \hl -> 70 hGetContents hl >>= \text -> 71 let count = wordsInString text in 72 putStrLn (showNat count) 73 doArgs _ = 74 putStrLn "Usage: wordcount <filename>"
- IMPORT, COMPILED and COMPILED_TYPE do what they seem like.
- There is also COMPILED_DATA, but his program didn't use it. There are some examples in the standard library.
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